There are no specific posts open in C3NL at present, but we are always interested in being approached as opportunities often arise at short notice or can be worked-up!
See our People page for more details of our research programmes and to reach out to an investigator.
New joiners
If you’ve recently joined our team, then welcome. We have a lab wiki with lots of useful information to get you started. You need an Imperial account to access this:
- Ensure you have your own account on GitHub and have clicked on the email they send you to validate the account.
- Link your GitHub account to Imperial GitHub Enterprise and click on the teams tab, then search for team ‘c3nl’ then press members, then ‘request to join’. We will review your request and add you to the team!
- Enjoy the live C3NL wiki and GitHub repository
Our GitHub repository contains interactive lab neuroimaging pipelines (in Jupyter notebook format, eg. volumetric, diffusion imaging) with some more general information in the wiki. To run these you will need access to the Imperial HPC (high-performance cluster).